Cybersecurity is security as it is applied to information technology. This includes all technology that stores, manipulates, or moves data, such as computers, data networks, and all devices connected to or included in networks, such as routers and switches. All information technology devices and facilities need to be secured against intrusion, unauthorized use, and vandalism. Additionally, the users of information technology should be protected from theft of assets, extortion, identity theft, loss of privacy and confidentiality of personal information, malicious mischief, damage to equipment, business process compromise, and the general activity of cybercriminals. The public should be protected against acts of cyberterrorism, such as the compromise or loss of the electric power grid.
Cybersecurity is a major endeavor of the IT industry. There are a number of professional certifications given for cybersecurity training and expertise. Although billions of dollars are spent annually on cybersecurity, no computer or network is immune from attacks or can be considered completely secure. The single most expensive loss due to a cybersecurity exploit was the ILOVEYOU or Love Bug email worm of 2000, which cost an estimated 8.7 billion American dollars.
“ “Technology trust is a good thing, but control is a better one.”
― Stephane Nappo
Why is cybersecurity important?
With an increasing number of users, devices and programs in the modern enterprise, combined with the increased deluge of data -- much of which is sensitive or confidential -- the importance of cybersecurity continues to grow. The growing volume and sophistication of cyber attackers and attack techniques compound the problem even further.